"After my hands got better, gardening was one of the first things I was able to do. It seems a bit silly and simple but I couldn’t do it anymore."



"After my hands got better, gardening was one of the first things I was able to do. It seems a bit silly and simple but I couldn’t do it anymore."


Xavier, 54, is an entrepreneur suffering from severe psoriasis on his hands. He tells us about his experience with this condition, and how he managed it.

"Within two winters, my fingertips went from sore to cracked in the space of a few weeks. It then spread to my hands. The palm of my left hand got so bad that I could no longer open water bottles."

Q: Can you introduce yourself in a few words?

A: My name is Xavier, and I’m 54. After working for over thirty years for large companies, I founded my own business four years ago to promote employment of middle aged managers, with a focus on startups and small businesses.

Q: What skin condition are you concerned with?

A: Psoriasis on the hands.

Q: What is your experience with psoriasis?

A: Around the time I started my business, I started getting psoriasis on my hands.

Several years ago, I began having damaged fingertips, especially during the winter. My fingertips went from sore to cracked within a few weeks.

My skin started splitting and took weeks to heal, and there was intense pain.

It spread to my hands, especially my left hand. My fingertips on both hands and the palm of my left hand were severely damaged to the point that I could not open a bottle of water any more.

"Sometimes I wasn't able to use my hands - writing and typing on a computer keyboard were difficult for me.

Over the course of a year or two, it was a plunge into unbearable pain that, on a daily basis, ruined my life."

Initially, I was told that it was due to stress and anxiety. After what happened, I went on vacation for 8 days for the holiday season, and the psoriasis was gone when I returned. I thought to myself that all I needed to do was calm down a bit, and everything would be fine. A few weeks later, it came back.

"During the winter, it really became hell. It spread, extended, and it was a real burden."

Tip: When the weather is cold, the skin gets weaker and drier, making it more susceptible to psoriasis. So, hydrate your skin even more carefully in the winter.

It's true that there are conditions that are more dramatic than mine, but the pain I felt was terrible... Think about when you cut your finger with a sharp knife blade. You feel this sheer pain. Well, this feeling was with me all the time, from morning until night.

It was horrible, to the point of tears. My hands hurt from carrying my bag to work. Attaching buttons was unbearable. I couldn't do anything.

My doctor gave me a background treatment with Toctino that affects cholesterol levels. Therefore, I could only take it for a short period of time.

For the first year it helped, but after that I was unable to take it again. Then I was completely dependent on skincare creams that had no effect.

Q: How did psoriasis affect your work life?

A: It was not something I wanted to show. You never know how other people will react to it. The few times people noticed it, their faces went from horror to fear.

I explained in simple terms to them, but they still looked disgusted. I can't blame them for that, but when you see people around you, whom you know well, reacting with disgust, it hurts.

I told myself that I was right to think that they would not understand anything. This is one of the things that can be shown.

I didn't talk about the pain otherwise. I think the pain had changed my behavior as well, so maybe some noticed that I seemed more concerned. It took over much of my life. The pain became a wall of silence over time.

'I have a business activity that relies on personal contacts. The hands are important in business. Throughout my professional life, I have always tried to hide this situation, and I believe that very few people in my professional circle noticed what I had."

Q: What is your most painful experience with psoriasis?

A: The peak was July 14 almost four years ago. The weather was great, everything was fine, it was a holiday... In the morning, I woke up, and I said to my wife: "I can’t take it anymore, I have to cut off my finger. I can’t stand it anymore”. The pain was unbearable. She recommended I go to the ER, where I met a fantastic woman doctor. It added to my ill-being to travel through Paris, to then find myself in a huge hospital waiting room. I have always felt like going to the hospital made me sick. The worst part was that after explaining what I had, which I already knew, the doctor said they would run tests. I didn't begin the protocol with Toctino until September.

On some aspects, medicine is still in the testing and evaluation stages. They are merely trying to help me deal with the pain. Treatments have side effects that must be closely monitored.

"When I got over this first horrible crisis, the most pleasant thing was rediscovering the joy and use of my hands again.

Since I've regained my hands, I've been doing DIY and gardening, and it's been great."

Q: What is your most pleasant experience with psoriasis?

A: When I got over this first horrible crisis, the most pleasant thing was rediscovering the joy and use of my hands again. Whether it's your hands or something else, you don't realize how good it feels to be healthy. Not to mention the pleasure of having your hands back.

The first thing I was able to do after my hands improved was gardening. Although it's simple and silly, I couldn't do it anymore. I hurt myself the first time I started gardening again, because I was so happy to be able to use my hands again that I forgot I had cracks. As a result, I have sometimes encountered other pains, more related to misusing my hands than to illness.

When I garden today, I wear gloves to protect my hands. Nevertheless, the first time I started gardening again, I did it with my bare hands because I was so happy. I loved touching the soil with my bare hands. Since I've regained my hands, I've been doing DIY and gardening, and it's been great.

Q: What practical tips or tricks would you offer someone who has psoriasis?

A: No cream on the market had worked for me. As psoriasis is caused by stress, it can only be treated with companion care.

The only thing you can do is manage your stress. Pain makes you more stressed. I had to protect my hands constantly. My dermatologist told me I needed to put glue in the crevices of my hands in order to fix them.

It sounds crazy but it is what I did and it, what contained the pain during the worst of times.However, there are no real recipes.

'I tried every cream on the market, but none of them worked. The layers of the epidermis could not be adequately moisturized by any moisturizer. Since November 2013, I have been using the Skintifique Hydrating Gel and it is really the only lotion that softened my skin within a few weeks."

Everybody is concerned about you, and I believe they are all sincere, but there is almost nothing they can do. Since November 2013, I have been using the Skintifique Hydrating Gel and it is really the only lotion that softened my skin within a few weeks.

I used to have cracked skin before. I had skin like that all the time, like the earth cracking under the summer sun. The layers of the epidermis could not be adequately moisturized by any moisturizer. The Skintifique Hydrating Gel was the only skincare product that penetrated deep into my epidermis and successfully stopped the illness (I applied it seven to eight times a day for 3 to 6 months).

After a few days, the pain went down, the crevices stopped spreading and ended up healing, and the fingertips and knuckles started looking normal again. Today, apart from a tiny patch of dry skin on my palm, I have hands which are completely normal. To avoid cracks, I keep putting on gel to keep my skin hydrated.






I notice that if I do not apply the gel for a day, I have dry skin at night and I feel as if I am missing something. My skin needs permanent hydration. As for saying that my stress has disappeared, I assure you that it has not. The only thing that has changed is that I have started using this cream. Taking Toctino also had a significant effect, but I was only able to take it for a short time.

The doctor I saw at the hospital on the weekend of July 14 confirmed what my dermatologist told me about the difficulty of care. Having a second opinion confirmed to me that there was not much to be done except to learn to live with the pain. There was no real solution for me. I kept hoping it would pass the next day. It lasted an extremely long time.

Q : Quels sont conseils donneriez-vous aux personnes souffrant de psoriasis pour s’informer et trouver des solutions utiles ?

R : Au début de la maladie, j’ai très vite été voir une dermato en qui j’ai toute confiance et qui me suit depuis des années. Elle m’a rapidement expliqué ce que j’avais. Ma démarche a été plutôt médicale : d’aller voir un médecin en qui j’avais confiance. Mon médecin m’a rapidement expliqué qu’elle ne pouvait pas grand-chose pour moi, elle m’a décrit les différents stades de la maladie, elle m’a dit que ça pouvait empirer ou se résorber, mais sans me donner réellement d’information ou d’éléments sur les raisons pour lesquelles ça pouvait empirer ou se résorber. Avec ses conseils, j’ai testé toutes les crèmes du marché, sans succès d’ailleurs. Moi, ma problématique était là, donc effectivement comme beaucoup de gens j’ai regardé sur Internet. Mais lorsque vous regardez les articles, au bout de 5 minutes vous avez une vision d’horreur. Donc j’ai arrêté.Ce week-end du 14 juillet où j’ai été à l’hôpital, le médecin que j’ai vu m’a confirmé ce que me disait mon dermato sur la difficulté des soins et le manque de solution. Ça m’a fait un deuxième avis qui m’a confirmé qu’il n’y avait pas grand-chose à part mon désespoir et apprendre à vivre avec la douleur. Il n’y avait pas vraiment de solution pour moi. Donc j’étais constamment en train d’espérer que le lendemain ça allait passer. Ça a duré extrêmement longtemps.

Q : Qu’est-ce que le psoriasis a changé dans votre vie ?

R : Je n’ai pas perdu espoir. C’est venu comme ça, et j’ai toujours pensé que ça pouvait partir comme ça. On vous dit toujours que le psoriasis n’est pas contagieux. Donc vis-à-vis des gens que je croisais en société, il n’y avait pas de risque de transmission de la maladie. Mais la question que je me posais était : « Comment ai-je bien pu avoir ça ? »Les raisons qui m’ont été données, notamment le stress, étaient complètement valides. Mais je ne suis pas le seul à vivre avec du stress, et tout le monde ne réagit pas face au stress de la même manière. C’est une forme d’expression du stress que je n’avais jamais eu précédemment. J’ai essayé de le dominer, je me suis mis à faire du sport, à faire des activités, à me reprendre en main, pour essayer d’avoir une meilleure hygiène de vie. Tout ça m’a rendu probablement plus fort. Non seulement vous vivez avec la douleur, mais en plus, vous essayez de mettre en place des programmes qui sont parfois douloureux et difficiles en se disant que c’est pour votre bien. C’est un peu une histoire de fou !Je ne suis pas de nature désespérée. Mais le plus dur, c’est que quand bien même vous expliquez aux personnes qui vous entourent, aux personnes les plus proches, votre douleur, j’ai découvert que personne ne peut comprendre ce que vous avez et le niveau de douleur auquel vous êtes. Quand j’explique la sensation de la lame, tout le monde l’imagine bien, mais personne ne peut imaginer ce que c’est qu’une lame qui ne s’arrête jamais. Même moi je ne sais pas comment j’ai fait pour supporter la douleur que j’ai eue pendant des mois, et même des années. Je ne sais pas.Compte tenu de ma situation d’aujourd’hui, je me dis que j’ai eu raison. Il y avait une solution, et j’ai fini par la trouver. Mon entourage le plus proche a été précieux pendant cette période.Je me souviens de moments avec mes enfants, je les voyais heureux, j’étais heureux pour eux, mais j’avais mal. Il y a plein de situations où il y a des gens heureux autour de vous, et vous vous avez mal. Et ça vous isole du monde. Ce n’est pas que j’en veuille aux autres de ne pas comprendre ce que j’ai, ce n’est pas de la faute des autres, et ce n’est pas la mienne non plus. Il ne faut pas ni se jeter la pierre, ni la jeter aux autres. Mais c’est difficile d’échanger. Vous vivez avec ce mal. C’est un apprentissage différent.Mais j’ai toujours pensé que malgré tout il y avait des gens plus malheureux dont les douleurs étaient beaucoup plus fortes que les miennes. Oui j’ai eu un handicap, des douleurs, et ça peut revenir. Mais à aucun moment je n’ai pensé que j’étais un héros.

Skintifique helps sensitive, intolerant and allergic skins free themselves from their constraints thanks to natural formulations and innovative and patented technologies

Skintifique helps sensitive, intolerant and allergic skins free themselves from their constraints thanks to natural formulations and innovative and patented technologies

Q: What would be your message to others with psoriasis like you?

A: Persist until you heal and believe in yourself. You'll succeed.

Q: What message would you like to convey to those who are not familiar with psoriasis?

A: Psoriasis is not a shameful disease, but it can be very painful. It is important to understand this pain and support those who are affected as much as possible.

Psoriasis Pack


"My life was changed thanks to this lotion: improvement of skin color, less itch, skin really moisturised..."
Aurelie E.
"At 70, I finally discovered the miracle product : no more psoriasis after 1 month, with one application every day before going to bed"
Anne M. G.
"Easy to use, moisturising that lasts, less scales. This is really fabulous!"
Victoria L.
"After 3 or 4 applications, my skin is much less itchy !"
Marie V.

Psoriasis Pack


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Psoriasis Relief Balm

2 tubes of 6.76 Fl oz / 200ml
Our products

Psoriasis Relief - Face

2x 40mL






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