

"After 3 months, the psoriasis patches on my skin have totally changed: they are less dry, less rough, smoother... and most importantly, less red and less visible !"
Floriane P.


Floriane is a 34 year young woman. For the past several years, she has had 5-6 psoriasis patches on her body that she could not get rid of. After 4 months using daily the Skintifique Psoriasis Relief Pack, she observed spectacular results ! She shares below some insights and valuable advice.

Q : Hello, can you quickly introduce yourself?

A : My name is Floriane, i am 34 and I live in Paris. I work for a top French luxury beauty brand, in their skincare division. For me, psoriasis started when I was 30, following an emotional stress. I quickly got psoriasis patches on my back, my belly and my legs. It was just before the summer break, so I did not go see a dermatologist right away. The sun, the rest and the sea water were very beneficial for my skin: most psoriasis patches disappeared. Unfortunately, a dozen or so patches remained on my legs, my back, forearm and lower back. And 4 years later, these patches were still here !

When I came back from the summer break, I consulted with a dermatologist. She prescribed a treatment with costisone creams. The psoriasis patches did disappear quickly with this treatment, but they kept coming back as soon as I would stop the treatment. As I am concerned about the side effects of using cortisone and other steroid drugs over the long term, so I decided to stop the costisone treatment. And to focus instead on emollient creams that can be found in pharmacies and elsewhere and that are claimed to be tailored for skin with psoriasis or eczema. To say the least, the results where never great...

Q : How would you describe your experience with the Psoriasis Relief Pack? What did you like / dislike?

A : For me, the product has worked spectacularly well, especially compared to the lotions I was using belore.

Before starting to use the Psoriasis Relief Pack, I was using emollient lotions that one can find in pharmacies and other retailers. Although I was applying the lotions every day, the results were really not convincing : the skin patches remained red coloured and highly visible. You can see this in the first picture I took, just before starting using the Psoriasis Relief cream.

One month after starting using the Psoriasis cream, the patches were still reddish, but they had started to change already: they were less dry and smoother.

After 3 months, the changes are just fantastic! The red colour is gone and the patches are almost invisible now !

« Be persistent ! In my case, the results looked really fantastic after 3 months. And I am happy I was persistent for that long as I would not have got these benefits otherwise »

Our advice : The skin cell renewal cycle lasts about 3 weeks. It is the time required to see the first clear results. After each renewal cycle, you can expect more improvements !

Q : What would you recommend to people concerned with psoriasis?

A : I would make 3 recommendations :

First, apply the product everyday ! Some days, I felt like skipping it; but now, oh I am happy I was serious about it. Regularity really was key to obtain the results I got. To do so, I followed a new routine: I applied the lotion every day, right after my morning shower ! I apply the lotion directly on the patches on my legs... and I then moisturising my entire leg ! Having a little routine did help me !

Be persistent ! And do not expect immediate results. For me, the results became really fantastic after 3 months. And I am very happy that I was persistent, as if I had stopped early, I would never have had these results. So be confident : it works !

And finally, it is essential to monitor the evolution of the skin patches. To that end, I took pictures of the patches and it really helped. Day to day, or at the start of the treatment, it is not so easy to detect changes on the skin. But when you compare today's pictures with those from a few days or weeks back, you see the changes. It is very motivating!

« Be persistent ! In my case, the results looked really fantastic after 3 months. And I am happy I was persistent for that long as I would not have got these benefits otherwise »

Our advice : The skin cell renewal cycle lasts about 3 weeks. It is the time required to see the first clear results. After each renewal cycle, you can expect more improvements !

Q : What would you recommend to people concerned with psoriasis?

A : I would make 3 recommendations :

First, apply the product everyday ! Some days, I felt like skipping it; but now, oh I am happy I was serious about it. Regularity really was key to obtain the results I got. To do so, I followed a new routine: I applied the lotion every day, right after my morning shower ! I apply the lotion directly on the patches on my legs... and I then moisturising my entire leg ! Having a little routine did help me !

Be persistent ! And do not expect immediate results. For me, the results became really fantastic after 3 months. And I am very happy that I was persistent, as if I had stopped early, I would never have had these results. So be confident : it works !

And finally, it is essential to monitor the evolution of the skin patches. To that end, I took pictures of the patches and it really helped. Day to day, or at the start of the treatment, it is not so easy to detect changes on the skin. But when you compare today's pictures with those from a few days or weeks back, you see the changes. It is very motivating!

Psoriasis Pack

Spectacular results

"My life was changed thanks to this lotion: improvement of skin color, less itch, skin really moisturised..."
Aurelie E.
"At 70, I finally discovered the miracle product : no more psoriasis after 1 month, with one application every day before going to bed"
Anne M. G.
"Easy to use, moisturising that lasts, less scales. This is really fabulous!"
Victoria L.
"After 3 or 4 applications, my skin is much less itchy !"
Marie V.

Psoriasis Relief Pack

Spectacular results

Psoriasis Relief Pack

Available sizes

Our products

Psoriasis Relief Balm

2 tubes of 6.76 Fl oz / 200ml
Our products

Psoriasis Relief - Face

2x 40mL






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